Runway MY Way
Fall Trends: Oldies, but goodies and Fierce Find.
Hi my luv's,
Fall, Fall, Fall. I have to say I am very ecstatic that fall is almost here contrary to popular belief. Summer, or whatever this was this year, was okay, but fall in my opinion is so much better for several reasons:
Fashion Week (which I am elated about) New clothes for the season Some great fall deals & Amazing trends to work with
With that being said here's a list of some of the top trends for Fall 09. You can catch these trends in various designer shows such as: Oscar De La Renta, Michael Kors, Carolina Herrera, Marc Jacobs, Donna Karen, Max Azria, Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armani, Phillip Lim & Diane Von Frustenberg to name a few.
Fall 09 Trends:
Animal Prints Bold Bright Colors Bandage dresses Metallics One Shoulder dresses/tops Classics (suit pieces/pinstripe) Strong Shoulders Ruffles Draping Grey Black and white
Obviously there are more trends, but these are some oldies, but goodies that stand out. From last year into this year some of these trends have been a great platform for good style and fabulous looks. This fall they are being continued, but enhanced to say the least.
A lot of these trends have already been illustrated in various pieces and stores, but once Fashion week hits definitely keep a look out for more.
Now onto Fierce Finds.
So a little birdie suggested me including a fabulous find in my blogs because I am a good find dealer. I love love love being a budgeted fashionista. Partly by choice, but since I am so good at it why not right? So every Monday (except this week will be Sunday) yours truly will give my 'Fierce Find' of the week. Please feel free to give me suggestions. Feedback is always welcomed and if you have a fierce find you want me to feature let me know.
~Fierce Find~   This ruffled beauty can be found at www.aldoshoes.comName: Sengun Price: 34.98 (sale) Colors: Light Gray & Black *Can be found at all Aldo locations worldwide and online Yanni.Labels: Budget, Designers, Fall, Fashion week, Fierce Find, Trends
Ms. Simpson....The New Deal
Wassup luv's,
Now yall know I am random as ever, probably as random as it gets.
With that being said last night on my way home from hanging with some homegirls I walked by Macy's newest display and lo and behold who was being showcased?
Ms. Jessica Simpson.
Now I know yall are probably like " oh that's it?" But honestly I was a bit surprised and ecstatic for her. First of all not EVERYONE can get a front display at Macy's and let's be real, of all people, Jessica Simpson?      As we all know she has come a long way in her venture as a designer. Starting with shoes and handbags and evolving into a designer with multi categories. I think she deserves an applause. Not for becoming a designer, but for becoming a designer that actually has wearable and affordable pieces to say the least.
I'm not a personal fan of Ms. Simpson, but I do have a pair of her shoes and I heart them. Not only are they affordable, but they are comfortable which I really like and they are also ultra chic. As females its REALLY hard for us to find a comfortable pair of heels because, let's face it, heels just ARE NOT comfortable; however, I find with Ms. Simpson's shoes they are fairly decent where I am not automatically dying when I put them on. How many of us can say that? And let the shoe be affordable? That's like finding a Jimmy Choo in a Target pile.
If you have not given any of Ms. Simpson's pieces a try then you really need to get on your grind. If you want afforable, trendy and fairly comfortable things she is definitely the way to go. I'm going to leave yall with the links to her sites. If you don't believe me then check and try it out for yourself.
Yanni. Labels: Affordable, Cheap, Comfortable, Designer, Fashion, handbags, Jessica Simpson, Macy's, Shoes, Trendy
Ashanti: Yay -OR- Nay
Sooooooooooo I am definitely not an Ashanti fan by far although people say we look alike...
NEGATIVE I dont see it. However, here is a recent spotting of the "The Wiz" star and I have to say she looks Fabo here. Now in the past few years I must say her style has improved drastically. The Majority of the things i've seen her in I've loved/liked on her. Not to mention I would personally wear 75% of the things she wears because our styles are a bit similar I feel.  Nevertheless I wanted to share this with my fellow readers. She looks like she lost a bit of weight, but she looks great. Have to give props where they are do.
Do your thing girlie.
Yanni. Labels: Ashanti, Clothes, Lookalike, Style
Simple & Chic...(bling factor?)
Hello ppl
So as I was getting dressed this morning on my way to do some interview related matters I had a difficult time deciding on the perfect necklace to compliment my interview ready outfit. See I was going for extremely simple ya know a pencil skirt and a top kind of look, but (as we all know from a past post) accessories are key.
I had two options: do I go for a lot all at once to bring out the simple outfit or go for a little?
That definitely got me thinking about what exactly is simple? And how do I pick one of my options?
So the way I fixed my minor accessory dilemna was focusing on the bag of choice for the day.
The purse I decided on has a chain handle which, in my opinion, is already jewelry. Therefore; adding a necklace that was doing a lot might not be a good idea especially since I was going to wear the purse across my shoulders instead of on it. I opted for the simple necklace so I was not doing too much or too little because I have enough of the bling factor going on :-).
With that being said I started to think about the difference between simple and chic and not simple enough. When being tooooo simple that can almost make you invisible. Who really wants to be invisible ya know? However; adding a simple piece of jewelry as an accessory whether its on a bag, shoes or in your hair can provide a simple and chic bling.
Ofcourse don't over due it. rme. When you overdue the bling factor you end up looking a Hot Azz Mess and you ruin the outfit. That's definitely a no bueno but as we all know some ppl take the bling factor to the NEXT level. So all we can do is pray ::bows head::
Yanni.Labels: bling, Fashion, interview, jewelry, simple

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