Runway MY Way
"Glam Rock Shoot"
Happy Thursday Luv's,
So I hope everyone has had a good week despite the monsoon of a rainstorm we have seen the past few days. God must be incredibly angry at all of us because this rain was NO JOKE. Smh.
Anyways, I wanted to share with you all my experience from my recent shoot this past weekend. I finally did my "Glam Rock" shoot. I was extremely excited. Just to back pedal for a bit, I know my fellow creatives (photographers, models, stylists etc) know what its like to produce a good shoot. It can be an incredibly easy task, incredibly hard or in between. This one, after finally getting everyone's busy schedules to match up was very easy. We did the shoot in a studio instead of on location which was a pleasant change for myself. Everyone came fairly on time, with creative juices and ready to do the damn thing. Much love to the photographer, model and mua. I could not have asked for a better shoot day :-).
Labels: Glam Rock, Make up Artist, Model, Photographer, Rain, Studio
My Heel Maintenance Opinion....
Hi Luv's
It's early Monday morning and boy do I have a heel disaster to share with you all.
Now SHOES are in competition with diamonds for most girls; its their best friend
and one of my true loves. My shoe closet has definitely increased over time. Not
sure if that's good or bad, but either way its increased. I am not sure about
yall, but I love variety in everything and that includes shoes. My shoes range
from expensive to inexpensive. Now we all know inexpensive shoes from lower end
stores such as Target can be sketchy.
Sighhh so my journey Saturday night was a huge mess lol. I won't get into the nitty
details but basically the sole on the heel of my cute booties from Tarjay came
off. Now I'm sure most of you have had heel repair moments on shoes not just
inexpensive shoes, but shoes in general. It just sucks when it happens in the
rain and your not going straight home ::clears throat:: but that's neither here
nor there lol.
Anyways, one of my ultimate shoe pet peeves is hearing the sound a heel makes
when the bottom sole is off. Ohhh MMM Geee so you can imagine I was pissed to
the 10th power. Plus its tacky and embarrassing but obviously it wasn't
something I could help at the moment.
That got me thinking about the quality of shoes. Although you spend less money
for a pair of shoes (depending on the shoe) the maintenance can add up. Whereas
if you bought an expensive shoe of better quality from jump their would be less
money involved in maintaining it.
Its def food for thought, but it does present a blurry line because although
expensive shoes give you quality and luxury (trust me I love Louboutin's like the
next chick) it doesn't mean that all inexpensive shoes are of bad quality.
What do you think?
I think, like with anything, its up to you to decide on the investment (short or
long term), know the pros and cons, and be able to deal with whatever
consequences may happen. I personally, am not ashamed to admit that I've owened 3 or 4
pairs of Tarjay shoes over the past few years and the quality is really not that bad.
However; shoes are a MAJOR investment so they should be thought about critically and
With that being said now onto Monday's... ~ F I E R C E F I N D ~
Name: Frances
Price: $100.00
So I wanted to feature these adorable flat tall boots from Babyphat because they definitely caught my eye. Personally, I think Babyphat has some adorable stuff, but I CANNOT deal with the branding of the name on EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF GARMENT. It's the most annoying thing ever. I am too old for that lol, BUTTTT these boots do not have Babyphat anywhere on them except the bottom ofcourse,which I love. They are tasteful, simple and adorable. Perfect for casual wear and thensome. Not to mention they are sold in most urban stores such as Dr. Jays. Definitely check them out. These are totally on my shopping list :-).
Labels: Babyphat, Christian Louboutin, Dr.Jays, heels, maintenance, Repair, Target
~Fierce Find Monday~
Happy Monday Luv's,
As you see my website is FINALLY up and running :-)
Whenever you go to my blog it automatically links you to my site, which I love hehe. Again, a HUGE thanks to my godsister and web designer Sheila. Please feel free to follow her on twitter if you have it. She's an amazing creative individual as you can see.
Anyways, moving right along I started my new pt gig yesterday. All I can say is the life of an up and coming fashionista/stylist is NOT easy lol. However; in the words of Tim Gunn "make it work". That is what I will continue to do.
The feedback I have been getting from my site and blog has been really good which makes me smile. A few of the comments I have been getting back from my loyal readers has been in reference to my fierce finds. Some of them feel I should feature plus size clothing because it is hard for plus size fashionistas to find quality and fabulous pieces that fit true to size. I definitely agree that finding plus size trendy pieces can prove to be challenging which is why when I do feature my fierce finds I try to put stores that have a variety of sizes for everyone. It's best to feature the majority since a lot of women (although they may have different shapes) wear the obvious sizes. With that being said, so that I can appease all my readers, I will add the sizes so that my readers can see the various sizes offered. That should help clarify things in my fierce find when dealing with clothes.
Now onto....
~ F I E R C E F I N D ~
Name: New ComfortZone Open Cardigan
Price: $32.95
Colors: Grey and Black
Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL
*In store and online nationwide
I am not sure how many of you shop at NewYork and Company, but this store definitely does not get the credit it deserves. They have some great quality pieces for work, hanging out and going out at affordable prices. To top it off, their sizes fit true to form. Perfect for slim fit, average gal, or/and plus size beauty. Their sizes go up to 18; however, this cardigan is stretch so XL is the biggest. All I can say is I want this cardigan. It's simple and adorable ;-)
Labels: fashionista, Fierce Find, Newyork and company, stylist, twitter, website
My NEW Website :-)
Hey luv's,
Soooooo guess who FINALLY has her own website?
Me ofcourse and I am oh so excited about it. It's simple with a touch of glam. Just a basic spot to host my blog, the revamping of my fashion portfolio and my credentials as a stylist. My godsister who is an amazing web designer hooked me up to the fullest. I absolutely adore her.
So check out my new website and let me know your feedback.
Note: my portfolio is in the process of being revamped so aside from checking my blog daily also be on the look out for new images.
Little Black Dress: Love IT, Live IT, Wear IT.
Afternoon my luv's,
Another day, another thought:
LBD or should I say Little Black Dress? Either way its a necessity for EVERY women regardless of shape, height or size. Black, as we all know, is an iconic classic which is what makes an LBD perfect for any and every occasion ranging from work to a cocktail party. Now don't get me wrong I have met women who do not own an LBD, but the obvious thought that ran through my head and out my mouth is "Why not?"
When in doubt on what to wear, how to wear it and if it will even look right you can shrug your shoulders go to the other side of your closet and pull out a LBD. It's a perfect solution to just about EVERY problem so why wouldn't you own one?
I got to thinking about this earlier while I was on one of my favorite UK websites ASOS and I wanted to share with you all some of my favorite LBD's on the site. Some of them are simple and classic while others are edgy and modern, but still timeless. All the dresses you see below are under $100.00. Owning a quality LBD is an investment that everyone should take advantage of, but you do not have to break your pockets to do it.
Now if you are not familiar with ASOS, then please get familiar with it. It's a UK owned site that has been a factor in my life for a while. The pieces are amazing. The site is very similar to Top Shop, but with a twist. They have outfits for all occassions and everything ranges in price which is a good balance. Remember to convert your size before ordering.
~ Classic/Modern Little Black Dresses ~
Classic/Modern - Tailored Tulip Dress (48.84)
Classic/Work - Belted Pleat Front Dress (66.28)
Dressy/Chic - Chiffon Bubble Hem (66.28)
Simple/Chic - Folded Neck Ponti Dress (66.28)
Sophisticated/Dress - Gathered Side Cowl Neck Dress (48.84)
Simple/Trend - One-Shoulder Frill Empire Dress (43.60)
Simple ~ V-Neck T-Shirt Dress (20.03)
Chic/Work - Frill Sleeve Fitted Waist Dress (48.84)
Simple/Work - Round Neck Pleat Detail Empire Dress (43.60)
Simple/Trend Dress - Ruffle Hem Dress (69.77)
Labels: ASOS, Buget, Height, Little Black Dress, Shape, Size, Top Shop
Prints: Dare to be BOLD? or NOT?
Hi my luv's,
So another day, another week and the weather keeps changing. On Saturday I went to a StyleCaster event and it was full of good times. The scene was a rooftop building in downtown Manhattan with the most breathtaking view. I went accompanied by my roomie from college and the dress code was dress to impress ofcourse :-).
While mingling, my roomie and I got on the topic of prints. I happened to be wearing a floral corset top and a boyrfriend blazer with stripe lining.
While she was wearing all black with accents of leopard print in her scarf, belt and shoes. Very chic might I add.
Prints are one of the hottest trends for this fall. They have been featured in numerous runway shows. Big prints, little prints, bold not so bold. It varies. We got on the subject because she was telling me how she knows people that hate when ppl mix and match prints.
So the question was: Is it right to mix and match prints?
It is beyond right for those that choose. Personally I love prints. I think its a fun way to add to a simple outfit, a fun way to mix up something that's already hot, etc etc. Prints add personality. Depending on the type of print it is. People like to go crazy with mixing and matching and it varies on someone's personal style, but let's really think about it. Solids are plain and classic, but prints? Prints are a bold way to be self expressive in a great fashion-forward way as you can see from the photos above. Two different people and two different outfits, yet you can tell both me and my roomie's personal style. I'm not saying go overboard because, if done wrong, can just be plain ol' tacky, but there is NOTHING wrong with experimenting ;-).
Since we are on the subject of prints...
~ F I E R C E F I N D ~
Name: Belted Brush Stroke Skirt Price: $17.80
I like this skirt. I think its bold, but in a simple way. Perfect for work with a plain black shirt or you can glam it up for a night out with the girls or a date. Throw some stockings on with black pumps, booties or knee boots and your good to go. Perfect example, I think, of being expressive with a bold brush print.
Yanni. Labels: bold, downtown manhattan, fashion-forward, Forever21, prints, roommate, runways, StyleCaster
Pockets, Pockets and more Pockets
Hi my luv's
Yesterday when I was getting ready to paint the town green (deep green and royal blue are my jewel tone hues for the past few weeks) I was trying to figure out what bag to carry. Now I don't know about yall, but I am DEFINITELY the type of gal that HASSSSS to change her bag with every outfit. It's damn near impossible for me not to. I believe a bag can take an outfit a long way and the right bag speaks VOLUMES.
Key element: Bags, Bags & more Bags
Gotta love them.
Anyways, I could not figure out what to do with myself. Should I take my coach pouch because I knew I was just hanging out with some friends or should I take my green tote? Or should I even go back to the bag closet and pull out my brown basket weave bag orrrrrrrr my taupe hobo? Decisions, decisions, decisions. I was so conflicted, but then I started to think about compartments or pockets if you will.
I love options. Options can be your bestfriend or your worst enemy, but I love them. I love bags that have several pockets. I need a place for my ipod, my wallet, my business cards, my travel toiletries. I need a space for it all. That automatically eliminated my pouch because downsizing was NOT an option. At the end of the day I went with my green tote, but pockets remained on my mind.
I could not help but wonder if I liked pockets so much because it reflected my life?
In my life I like to have order. I am an organized individual even if no one else understands my methods to my madness. Pockets equal order. Everything is situated the way you want it to be. Shrugs that could also mean I'm a control freak lol, but let's not look into that theory.
At the end of the day pockets/compartments in bags help situate order. The more pockets the more options. That can be a good thing ;-).
Now onto....
~F I E R C E F I N D~
Price: $90.00
Colors: Midnight Black
*Online and in stores nationwide
These sexy round toe pumps are a MUST have for the season. They are croc print with elastic straps giving the shoe variety perfect for just about any occasion if worn correctly.
I think I am almost in love with them. Almost ;-)
Labels: Aldo, Bags, Blue, Green, Order, Pockets, Pumps
Personal Update: Thru My Eyes
Hi Luv's,
I cannot believe how nippy it is outside. It's damn near cold. I do love Fall, but ugh the cold only reminds me that Winter is literally knocking at the door. All week I refused to wear a jacket. I was doing it up with sweaters heavy on the layering hehe. However; tomorrow it looks like I am going to have to pull out the bomber.
So what has Yanni been up to?
Well I've been on a crazii rollercoaster ppl. Extremely crazii. All aspects of my life have been doing a number on poor little me, but we have to take the good with the bad right?
Today was my relaxation day. I start my new pt gig next week so that should be interesting. Hopefully, it works out :-/.
Last night I hung out with two of my closest homegirls and it was seriously a breathe of fresh air. We hang out like 4 or 5 times a year, but its always the best fun. I adore and love them. Good friends are priceless. Let me tell you.
Recently, I picked up the Look Book I assisted with back in August. The book looks good and everything came out great. It's really nice to see your name in the credits. Major accomplishment for the week :-)
Anyways, I am currently working on doing two shoots. I am truly hoping that Monday works out and I can get one of them down. It's been challenging to find the perfect team, but hopefully Monday will be worth it. I am dyingggg to do this shoot. If its executed the way I envision it, its going to make me so proud :-).
The other shoot is still a work in progress, as usual, but everything worth it takes time right? These are the sacrifices you have to make to work with the best and these two photographers are really good.
Let's talk about my internship. It has definitely been a great experience. I cannot believe its been two months since I've been there. I've learned a lot and it has helped me find more direction in where exactly I am trying to go in my fashion career. If you have yet to join StyleCaster then please do so. It's an amazing site that will take fashion to the next level. Who wouldn't want to be apart of that movement?
Last, but certainly not least I might be working on another fashion show which is definitely exciting. I am waiting for more details on that, but I am very interested.
That's enough insight into my world for now hehe.
Yanni.Labels: Fall, fashion show, photo shoot, Photographer, pt gig, StyleCaster, winter

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