Runway MY Way
~Yanni's Quarterly Update~
It's been a little second since I've updated yall on the going ons in my world hehe. So let's see where shall I begin? Well my days have been pretty filled with a perm ft gig. I have always been a firm believer in God opening doors to help us prosper. They may not be the doors we want, but they are doors we need nonetheless. This new path I have acquired is just another door to help lead me in the right direction and for that I am beyond grateful. As we all know adjusting to a new anything can be a trying process and this situation is no different. I want to be the best at my job so the not knowing and the transitioning is a killer; however, slowly, but surely I am making headway.
Onto the next....
So currently got the ft gig in the loop what else have I been up to? Yall should know this: Fashion, fashion and more fashion hehe. I had my moment where I was re-adjusting to the corporate 9-5 grind and now that I feel I am making some headway in my new position its time for me to get back to the goal. The funny thing about having a goal is that one can be easily deterred from it. Keeping that focus and maintaining that dedication to accomplishing it is the important thing and my goals are constantly at the forefront.
With that being said Aug/Sept is about to speed up for me. Looking to set up some meetings for some new styling projects, working on the revamp of, working with my partner on branding stuff for our new company, putting my pen game down some more on the fashion contributor side, finishing my remainding two classes and last, but certainly not least attending/covering NYC Fashion Week. Busy bee I am, but all is fair when your going for the goal.
I think I pretty much summed up what my life has been like and what I am looking forward to.
Stay Tuned ;-).
Yanni.Labels: Yanni's Update
Fierce Brand: StellaSue Accessories
Fierce Finds are always at the top of my list, but finding a fierce brand takes the cake that's why StellaSue Accessories is a hot topic. Seriously, the pieces speak for themselves.
StellaSue Accessories
We're your access to HOT accessories, whether it be a necklace, a bag, a belt or bracelet. My sis and I are a hot duo of accessory designers that can complete your style with lots of personality. It's bold, its loud, its hot, its StellaSue Accesories. I'd like to think we can create something for every woman, either way she's being expressive through our designs and eclectic pieces. No two pieces are alike and to make our clients stand out above the rest, we create unique pieces specifically for each individual. Its good to be able to go out and purchase a piece that you saw in VOGUE, but its great to be able to purchase a Fab piece from StellaSue Accessories that no on else is rocking. We dare to be difference and we dare you to do the same without our awesome accessories.
StellaSue Accessories
Yanni. Labels: Fierce Brand, StellaSue Accessories
My Personal Opinion: Your Personal Style!
Everyone has their own way of dressing; whether it be labeled style or not is a matter of personal opinion ~Yourz Truly~
I know I have said this before, style is something that is developed by an individual. Their preference on wearing a belt in the back or in the front is their own person style. It is something that can be changed, but it still runs on a preference. When trying to develop one's style, I personally think, baby steps is an important key to remember. You need to take what you like such as plaids/stripes and learn how to add or take away other elements when integrating them into an outfit.
I felt the need to share my thoughts on this because there are a lot of people who have the potential to upgrade their style, but they either do not know how to or they are scared to. A lot of people are stuck on rules, what they learned growing up, and fear. Fear of wearing the wrong thing or being judged.
Judgement is going to happen regardless if we like it or not. As a human race, sadly its like second nature for some people to judge. However; style has a lot to do with trial and error. Its about mixing and matching certain things and seeing how it works on your body and how it works together. There are times when I walk out the house and I could look extreme to the normal eye, but I'm going to wear it anyway. I'm going to test it out and see what worked for me and what did not. Next time around i'll know what to mix it with or what to take out.
Trial/error and baby steps are some key elements to developing your own personal style.
I could go more in dept but we shall leave that for another post. Hopefully for you luvs out there that are scared to experiment or do not know how to will take some comfort in knowing that we have all been there. There is nothing wrong with trying because everybody has their own style. Knowing and owning it is the important thing.
Yanni. Labels: Key elements, Personal Style
Summer Cocktail!
It's Summer time and what's a girl to do if she doesn't have a good cocktail....dress I mean. I was never a gown girl. Even for my 12th grade prom I designed my own non-gown like dress. There is something about a long gown that bothers me. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of beautiful gowns in the world and I'm sure I'd look pretty decent in a few ;-), but I feel restricted in gowns. Even if I do end up wearing a longer dress to an event I usually have it altered in some way so that I do not feel so confined. Personal problem I guess, but that luvs is the beauty about fashion. You can do as you want and please with clothing to fit your needs and wants.
Anyways, since I do not wear a lot of long beautiful dresses to functions, I wear the next best thing: cocktail dresses. Every year Spring/Summer present some beautiful colorful cocktail dresses that are made for each and every type of individual. From crazy bold patterns and prints to simple pastels, there is a cocktail for every diva.
I recently attended my twin cousin's elegant 18 and I wore a beautiful fuchsia ruffled cocktail dress. This particular dress had been sitting in my closet for over a year and it was perfect for the event at hand. I remember purchasing it like it was yesterday. I was flipping through the racks bored with the options until this bold color caught my attention. I love fuchsia for its richness. It is not considered a jewel tone color, but to me it gives the emphasis of one and I like that a lot. Not only was it filled with richness, ruffles and a summer feel, but it was short and sweet. Perfect for me.
Which is why this week's:
~ F I E R C E F I N D ~
Name: Aidan Mattox Ruffled One Shoulder Stretch Satin Dress Color: Berry Price: $228.00
I chose this dress for three reasons. 1) the color popped out at me 2) it's a cocktail dress 3) it does a good job of accentuating the curves tastefully. As we all know finding the perfect fit for any garment can be trying, but when it comes to something as distinct as a cocktail dress you want the fit to be close to perfect for you and the occasion. Now this dress is a bit pricey and I am not saying to run out and purchase it, but this is one of many examples of a cute cocktail look. With the right accessories and shoes this dress would fit for a number of occasions without being "too much" or "too little". Nordstrom's is a great reference spot for picking out the perfect little cocktail piece, along with Macy's and other huge retail chains. However; some of my favorite designers (just so we can narrow things down a bit) are Rachel Roy, BCBG and ASOS. They truly have some distinct styles that gives a dress that WOW factor.
Yanni. Labels: Aiden Mattox, ASOS, BCBG, Cocktail dresses, Nordstroms, Smmer Cocktail
All White....NOT!
So anyone that knows me, knows I'm random and sometimes people do not get me which is fine because there is always a method to my madness. With that being said I have to share my plight with the color WHITE.
Now do not get me wrong I have basic white stuff like tanks, tees....shoot I even have a white sandal or two, but there is just something about the color white that I do not mesh well with. 1) It gets dirty faster than you can blink. 2) although its a neutral color that is made to go with everything it does not have personality to me. White is just dry. 3) last, but certainly not least white is a color that requires way too much attention. Depending on what type of piece it is more than likely you'll have to do layering of some sort regardless if its a slip or tank and paying more attention to your undergarments is a necessity when white is involved. RME. Too much work. Aside from that I've just never liked white nor really owned it. Whenever white is an option I always go for the runner up. Simple as that.
It's funny because the other day while I was getting ready for work I decided to wear a white button up (I literally only own one). Sadly, some of my concealer accidentally fell on it and there went that shirt. At the time, I hadn't worn it in eons and I guess it will be another few eons before I decide to wear it again. I know what your thinking, "Why would you put makeup on with a white shirt?" Well believe it or not I'm pretty careful when applying my makeup and hardly ever get any on my clothes. I was not so lucky this time and I can't help but think it has something to do with me wearing this damn white. It was not meant to be.
Ne wayz, I am attending an all white party tonight and I had THE ONLY issue trying to find a fit. I'm a defiant individual so I do not follow many rules especially when it comes to fashion. I can count on how many fingers I've actually worn all white to an all white party. Zero. Last weekend I went to an all white party and wore grey, black, royal blue with hints of white. Lol.
I just really do not do all white; however, for this party tonight I had a set vision to wear a white skirt. Not because I wanted to follow the rules just because I had an idea in my head of the fit I wanted and it included a white skirt. Shrugs.
The sucky thing about my creative mind is that I can easily come up with a fit, palette, etc for myself and anyone else within a matter of minutes, but usually when it comes to looks for me I never have all the pieces. Therefore, finding the right pieces becomes a very trying process. I get stuck altering my ideas and what not which blows. Basically my mind is telling me to become a designer because I'm always creating things that are not there. lol.
That's neither here nor there, my point is I have an all white party to go to and finding a fit was extremely difficult. I hate being like everyone else. I take individuality pretty seriously. An all white party theme definitely limits clothing options by half. There are not many places to get original white pieces. With that being said you can guarantee everyone is pretty much going to hit up the same spots. No bueno. That's what made this process very hard. Between the limitations, my individuality, and me being slightly bourgeoisie. I couldn't just get any old thing to wear.
I finally found a skirt, but its FAR from the vision in my head, but desperate times definitely called desperate measures so I had no choice. Obviously you know I will not be wearing all white tonight I will be a representation of 4th of July - red, white and blue (navy instead of royal). I will post pics later on, but the more I sit here and think about the outfit that I am not in love with, but the outfit I will grow to like enough to wear, I cant help but think how much I truly just dislike white.
Oh well,
Happy 4th of July Luvs I hope everyone has a great day!
Yanni. Labels: 4th of July, Party, White

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